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Outside of publishing her novels, Randi is an advocate for empowerment and preservation of women’s rights. As a guest writer, Randi has had several writings featured on, as well as an interview with ABC news that was later covered on Her last press appearance related to the passage of the Alabama Human Life Protection Act on May 15, which Time Magazine called the most aggressively anti-abortion law in recent American history. The law outlaws abortions in the case of rape or incest. Randi wrote a poem about this moment in history that you can read on

Randi was also honored to be invited to speak at TedX in Birmingham on the topic of identity and culture inclusivity. Watch the video below.

In this powerful talk, writer Randi Pink challenges us to confront our own misconceptions about others that we don't understand. She shares about her own enlightening journey, and the freedom that follows after we face our fears. Randi Pink's writing is an exploration of identity and cultural inclusivity.